Stem Cell Treatment

What started as a controversial treatment option has become one of the most revolutionary solutions for rejuvenating or replacing certain types of tissue. Individuals with skin trouble are eager to find solutions that do not involve invasive procedures. Stem cell therapy offers solutions, allowing them to begin the healing process and reclaim their lives. Stem cells help to regenerate and restore tissue structure and function, allowing the person to heal their cells.

The benefits of Stem Cells

The study of stem cells has uncovered many benefits, ranging from the relief of migraines to the restoration and rejuvenation of dermal tissue throughout the body. Stem cell therapy offers a unique approach that allows the body to use its resources in the healing process.

Stem cell therapy takes an existing process and gives it a dramatic boost that pushes the process into overdrive, regenerating damaged tissue and sustaining a healing response. The body is given what it needs to heal itself on its own terms, without foreign substances or invasive procedures that take an extended period of time to recover.

A Unique Treatment Solution

By placing a graft application on the skin, the body can regenerate new, healthier tissue that grow and replace the damaged tissue. The formation process of stem cells enables them to adopt the DNA of nearly any cell type. This process allows them to grow into the variety of cells needed, hastening the healing process by rebuilding stronger and healthier tissue. The body has been given the tools to heal, but often has trouble setting the processes in motion. Stem cell therapy provides the body with the boost it needs by flooding the area with stem cells that can elicit a response and ultimately trigger healing.

Are you a good candidate?

People with non-healing wounds, skin defects, or chronic pain may want to consult their doctor about stem cell therapy. This FDA-approved treatment can be particularly beneficial for those with chronic ulcers and degenerative skin conditions, as well as athletes with repeated skin injuries. It involves infusing stem cells into skin graft patches to treat common injuries like chronic ulcers, open sores, lesions, and skin defects. Medicare Part-B patients often qualify for this safe and effective procedure.

Stem cell therapy works by promoting the body's natural healing process, using the patient's own cells to regenerate and repair damaged tissue. It can also reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to the affected area, leading to faster and more complete healing.

talk to Dr. david jenson

If you have any questions or concerns about the stem cell therapy process, its benefits, risks, or potential implications, we recommend consulting with one of our doctors. They can provide personalized advice and address any questions you may have about the procedure. Our doctor will also evaluate your overall health and lifestyle to determine whether stem cell therapy is an appropriate treatment for you.